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Proteomics Data Analysis

The Proteomics Data Aanalysis material was prepared by the MRC Toxicology unit Bioinformatics and mass4tox Proteomics facilities to provide training in the basics of proteomics analyses.

It assume the user’s data has been processed by Proteome Discoverer, as per standard Proteomics facility workflows

Tutorials take the form of Rmarkdown notebooks (see links below). If you would like to contribute or suggest modifications to the material, please see the github page


Course dependencies and data

To ensure all the neccessary R packages are installed for you to run the code, you can install the package like so:

remotes::install_github("MRCToxBioinformatics/Proteomics_data_analysis", dependencies='Suggests')

This will also install the package which contains the data we will use.

Course materials

The first part of the course is broken into sections for different ‘flavours’ of quantitative bottom-up proteomics by Mass-spectrometry. Each section contains a subsection covering:

Additional subsections are included to cover further topics for each flavour.

In addition to the core part of the course, there are extended materials to cover:

1. Label-Free Quantification (LFQ)

2. Tandem-Mass Tags (TMT)

3. Stable Isotope Labelling by/with Amino acids in Cell culture (SILAC)

Extended materials

Additional resources